When people score without being forced to do so, they generally do a lot better. Lets take, for example, a random thursday night where we ask members to score for themselves. They generally do a lot better.

Why is this?

It's because you're not under the pressure of competition. 
A lot of our members this year just started archery, but that's okay. They will slowly get into the groove with proper practice. Being under the pressure of competition and shooting next to people who are better than you will improve your game more than any training would ever do (assuming you have already reached a certain level of training). 

The reason we (the e-board) pushes for this type of training is to put all if you under pressure. 
Shoot three arrows in 2 and a half minutes
Come back and do it again.

This will put your training to the test and test how well you can keep your form. 

One of the mistakes that everyone makes is that they do not use time to their advantage. Today, i witnessed 10 out of the 12 people finish shooting their arrows within a minute. The point is not to shoot fast, the point is to concentrate so that you make every shot count. It's easy to fling arrows down the range but it's hard to concentrate on every shot so that you're always precise with it. 

The best advice that i would give after witnessing tonight is to pace yourself. You have 2 and a half minutes to shoot three arrows. Don't pull them off in under a minute. Take a shot, breathe, stare at the target, focus, and shoot again. 
When you are too focused on pulling off arrow after arrow, you lose sight of why you're scoring in the first place. 
When you score, it's not for practice, we're not training endurance now and we're not working on form. When you score, you test yourself to see what those weeks of practices are worth. Do not treat scoring as practice. That is what everyone needs to work on.

And maybe next time i'll lock the door so Dave doesn't come in to sell everyone chocolate... T_T"

Also, do not doubt yourself. When you doubt yourself, you start shooting badly. Tell yourself that you can do it and know that you can do it. Archery is a mind game that you're playing with yourself. It's good to have fun at practices, but when we score, please take it seriously.
